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Sustainable development of cities 


What it means to us:

-It means to make the planet better, so that it can live longer and healthier.

-The way the city developes,so it doesn't damage the enviroment.

-It helps the newer generations keep the planet healthy.

-It's important to save energie.

-To turn off the lights is an good option.

-To recycle some objects like bottles or cans.


Definition of ChatGPT:

Sustainable development meets the needs of the presents without compromising the ability of futur generations to meet their own needs.


Key Principles 

  1. Intergenerational Equity

Ensurning future generations have acess to resources and opportunities.

  1. Environmental Protection 

Preserving natural ecosystem and reducing pollution 



  1. No poverty - free hotels for poor people

  2. Zero hunger - don't waist food/donate food 

  3. Good health and Well-being - more money for doctors/better working conditions for doctors 

  4. Good education - free educations



Enviromental protection: 

Ljubljana: Rent a car and park it somewhere so the next person who needs it can rent it too. 

Vienna: plants on the roofs and bikecycles you can rent for less money.

Economic prosperity: there are institutes in Ljubljana and vienna where you can find a job.

Social Equity: 

Ljubljana: posters to show the people that everyone is the same.

Vienna: talk more about it and make clear the problem of no equality.

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