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5.How do we solve the problem of polluted air in Ljubljana / Vienna?


At first we tought that the air quality in Ljubljana/Vienna is pretty okay, but to our suprise the internet showed us wrong. The air quality in both cities is actually kind of bad, in fact it can even get worse trough winter from increased traffic and heating. 



What effects the air quality in your City?


~ Traffic ( Ljubljana do not have good public transport.) ,

~ contruction works ( dust, dirt in the air) ,

~ non- renewable energy sources,

~ exhauts gases ( for the hetas houses, burning garbage..) 

~ industry ( factories...) 


How can air quality in the city be improved? 


~ more car- free zones,

~ expand puplic transport,

~ reducing energy consumption,

~ more sustainable energy  ( water, sun, wind ...) 


From Lenja, Aurora, Lukas K., Sarah, Elinor

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